Ittifak Holding


The foundation of Loras Holding was established in 1988 by 20 idealist entrepreneurs. Following its growth in different sectors, Loras Holding, which became a holding in 1993 and registered at Stock Exchange Market in 1994, has made great contributions to the move of economic growth of Anatolia.

Loras Holding as a multi-shareholder company was listed on Borsa Istanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange Market) with nearly 19.000 investors in 2009. The shares started to be traded in the first 100 index of Borsa Istanbul in 2010.

The main lines of business ofLoras Holding's main fields of activity are food, construction, real estate investment, machinery and energy. Loras Holding, which directed his portfolio to the sectors of high growth potential, has adopted “sustainability” , “productivity” , “stability” and “profitability “ as the main concepts directing his operations and his business development strategies.

Loras Holding and his companies, continuing the operations as the power of Turkey based on 100% domestic capital, has so far made exports to 120 countries of the world and reached to millions of customers.

Loras Holding is carrying on his operations as one of the leading establishments of Turkey, with his self-con.dence, his competency to bene.t from advanced technology, his experience at international level, his intellectual accumulation and the achievements attained by the adopted ethical values in universal standards, in the mission of “collaboration”.

Ittifak Holding
Ittifak Holding